D.1 Create a group on Teams and add members.45.4 Adding APA7 style to EndNote output style.45.3 Exporting from Google Scholar to EndNote.45.2 Accessing Web of Science and importing a reference.41 Lab report template and marking rubric.37.6 Reporting the results of a Pearson correlation analysis.37.5 The effect size for a Pearson correlation test.37.2 The Pearson correlation test output.37.1 Running the Pearson correlation test.36.7 Reporting the results of a one-sample t-test.34.4 Distributions of participant means vs. sampling distributions.34.3 The basic logic of null hypothesis significance testing (NHST).34.2 Standard normal distribution basics.32.3 Descriptive statistics after screening and cleaning.32.1 Removing participants with missing data.26.2 Comparison of means with and without outlier removal and medians.Step 7: Calculating condition-specific mean RTs (after outlier removal).Step 6: Calculating SDs and thresholds for outlier removal.Step 5: Calculating condition-specific mean RTs (before outlier removal).Step 4: Calculating condition-specific accuracies.Step 3: Removing trials with extreme RTs.Step 2: Calculating the overall accuracy.Step 1: Converting reaction times to milliseconds.
25.2 How to get from PsychoPy output to SPSS input.25.1 What we get from PsychoPy and what we need for SPSS.24 The value of reaction times and error rates in psychology.22.8 Relative vs. absolute cell references.22.5 Automatically adjusting column width.22.3 Selecting cells, columns, rows, and spreadsheets.20.3.2 What information is in the columns?.18.4 Copying and pasting routines and components.18.2 PsychoPy processes components from top to bottom.16.2.1 Effect of submitting the formative PsychoPy assignment.16 Lab 6 exercise and formative PsychoPy assignment.15.3 Adding additional information to the output file.12.4 Building a Stroop task from scratch.11.5.2 Compiling, running and quitting an experiment.10.2 Opening, running and saving experiments.10.1.1 Alternatives to installing PsychoPy on your own computer.5.3 Conceptual and operational definitions.5.1 Research producers and research consumers.4.1 Beth Morling’s research methods book.2.7 Disability support and accessibility.2.6 Research participation scheme (RPS).