people need to stop putting blame on the objects and start putting blame on the humans.Pills that make you ejaculate more Best male erection pills Erectile Dysfunction Clinic Vancouver Fluoxetine Prozac Erectile Dysfunction Where Can I Sell Male Enhancement Pills Cialis For Prostate Problems. just like guns people talk about guns kill people guns don't kill people people kill people!!! i can lay a loaded gun down in the middle of time square and it won't jump up and go on a shooting spree it needs human help. she looked at me and said are you stupid with your spinal problems you go out and buy something like that? i still can't explain to her that it's not the utv it's the drivers. My wife had a fit when she seen the welcome page with the rhino on it saying 46 people died and they have a recall on them now. it wasn't made for cutting corners wide open or made for drastic hill climbs nor was it made for 1000lb carg hauls while riding the trails it was made for two hunters to get to their hunting grounds with thier gear thats why it has just a 400lb pay load and until people learn that they will still get killed in it. i have lots of back and neck problems so i pretty much ride the rhino like it was meant to ride "get you from point a to point b in the mud or trails. My 08 rhino never came close to rollin over yet my buddy who has a few beers when he rides rolled his very easy. Why would they make you wear a helmet on your property? the goggles i can understand i need a pair they can come in handy for keepin the stuff out the eyes but the helmet ? is bad i wish the city slickers would just take care of themselves and regulate themselves.why do they have the "i know better than thou" attitude.go tend to your rooftop zen garden! How come everything i enjoy as a hobby two strokes, fossil fuel burning engines, guns, atvs, etc.
If you gave the average driver a 500hp new corvette and let them drive it, i'd go out on limb to say that most just can't handle something like that.and wipe out The rhinos i rode in were unbelievably stable.every time i go out with one, i'm amazed at how hard it actually is to tip one over.i've seen guys (some drunk some not) do absolutely amazing things on these machines. When i ride, i take some chances.i use my noggin to tell me just how dangerous it might be.i may misjudge something one day but that's MY fault! I love how the media loves to beat up on atvs.what they just about always forget to mention is that the operator was under the influence.two guys i ride with had cousins kill themselves on atvs.they were drinking.a man got killed down the street from me a few months back.he was drinking.a man i work with had a nephew driving an atv on the street.he was drinking.all killed THEMSELVES because they were riding atvs and drinking.and these are the ones that come to mind in the past year or so. My buddy had his 04 updated with the eat for hard riding.crappy when you are trying to work around the property.a + over-all.