Please do not remove content without discussion, unless it is obviously wrong. If a solution to an issue is confirmed by others, add it to this page or the relevant troubleshooting subpage. The best place to ask for help is the Steam thread on the Gentoo Forums. Some Steam and games specific troubleshooting available on Steam/Client troubleshooting and Steam/Games troubleshooting subpages. It is a good idea to perform this change as the first troubleshooting action item. The most common game related issues are solved by enabling the stack-realign USE flag on the sys-libs/glibc package and re-emerge the set. Root # emerge -ask -depclean -verbose games-util/steam-meta Troubleshooting #!/bin/sh # steam chroot bits chroot_bits = "64" # steam chroot directory chroot_dir = "/usr/local/steam64/" # check if chroot bits is valid if [ " $ var/db/repos/gentoo" The chroot_dir variable should be set to the location of the chroot directory. The chroot_bits variable must be set to 64 for a 64-bit chroot. The wrapper script has two user defined variables: chroot_bits and chroot_dir. Next, create the following wrapper script to setup the chroot, substitute to the Steam user, and start Steam. This is a potential security risk as any user could access the X server without authentication. Either set the same UID when creating the Steam user, as was mentioned earlier, or if the Steam user already exists change the Steam UID with usermod -u steam to match the local UID.Īlternatively, run xhost +local: to allow all local connections to the X server from any local UID. This will not work if the Steam UID is different to that of the local UID. This allows the display manager or xinit to process /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/00-xhost and automatically grant all local connections to the X server from the local UID. Root # emerge -ask -noreplace x11-apps/xhost # If using proprietary Nvidia drivers, include these as well

# be pulled as dependencies and eudev removed from your system. # If not using systemd add this, otherwise chances are the libudev/udev will

Users who prefer bleeding-edge versions over stability may consider an actively community-maintained fork of Proton called Proton-GE.įILE /etc/portage/e/steam app-arch/bzip2 abi_x86_32 For games without native support, Valve maintains Proton, built on Wine, which integrates with the client and provides an easy-to-use compatibility layer for Windows-only games on a recent Linux OS. Native Linux games can be identified with the SteamOS icon in the Store. Game developers are increasingly incentivized to support Linux. With the popularization of the Steam Deck, playing Steam games on Linux has grown considerably in recent years.